Resident Return Visa

Travelling as a Permanent Resident - 155 and 157 visas

Being an Australian permanent resident is a wonderful thing!

The ability to remain in Australia indefinitely to live and work is a true privilege – and it comes with many perks.

One of the limitations, however, is the restriction on travel. 

As a permanent resident, you do not have an automatic right to return to Australia, after you’ve travelled overseas. Your right of re-entry to Australia will depend on the validity of your Resident Return Visa (RRV) in either subclass 155 or subclass 157.

RRVs are granted with an initial permanent residence visa for a period of five years.

You may then be eligible to renew your RRV periodically, depending on the length of time you have spent in Australia and/or the ties you have to Australia. 

If you need to travel urgently but don’t have a current RRV, there may not be time to obtain one prior to departure. This could mean you end up offshore, without a valid visa to return to Australia.

Nobody wants this! So, that’s why it’s important to stay up-to-date on your RRV expiry date – and ensure you can meet the requirements for renewal.

That’s where we can help.

Your situation demands a unique strategy

Before getting started, consider the following questions:

✓ Have you lived in Australia for two years in the preceding five years as a permanent resident?

✓ If not, do you have compelling and compassionate reasons for departure?

✓ Do you have substantial ties to Australia?

Your answers to these questions will help us guide you to a strategy that will meet your priorities.

Visa options

155 - Five Year RRV

If you have spent two years residing in Australia in the preceding five years, you may be eligible for the 155 visa – a five-year RRV. 

If you do not meet the residence period but can demonstrate close personal, business or cultural ties to Australia, you may be eligible for a concessional one-year RRV.


157 - Three Month RRV

The 157 visa allows those who have spent minimal time in Australia – and perhaps with no close ties to the country – to travel, if there is a compelling reason.

Not sure where to start? Start here

Download your Aspire Australia guidebook Globe-trotting as a Permanent Resident and receive bonus material that will walk you through the process, step-by-step.

✓ Compare visa pathways

✓ Understand the criteria

✓ Discover the costs and timeline

✓ Learn how a migration agent can help

The Way We Do Things

Aspire Australia goes a step further than most migration agencies.

That’s because we’re not migration agents…we’re Migration SuperHeroes!

At least that’s what we’re told!

From the initial appointment to the celebration of visa grant, we will guide you through the visa process from beginning to end. We will determine the best strategy for approval and take the pain out of the paperwork, ensuring that your application is lodged approval-ready.

We know travelling as a permanent resident may be important – and necessary – for you. Let us guide you towards the best RRV renewal strategy, by finding the right pathway based on your situation.

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Common Questions

Where do I start?

Understanding the different pathways and deciding on the one that suits your circumstances is the first step. 

For an overview of your options, download our guidebook: Globe-trotting as a Permanent Resident.

Then, book your appointment.

The earlier you seek advice on the best visa option for your situation and what evidence you will need – the better decisions you can make. Getting advice is the key first step.

Do I really need a migration agent?

We are biased, but yes!

The citizenship process is complex and subject to Government changes. A migration agent provides advice, prepares applications and liaises with the Department of Home Affairs on your behalf.

We believe that rules show us the pathway to what’s possible. Keeping on top of the current rules means that we offer the right advice. 

Why Aspire Australia?

Here at Aspire Australia we go above and beyond to ensure an approval ready visa. 

Over 25+ years in the industry we have built a 7-Step Proven Pathway to lead our clients to success.

1. We will create and deliver your personalised MAP: Migration Action Plan to achieve the outcome your business needs. We will help you understand what’s possible and give you a guide for what’s next.

2.  We’ll provide you with a tailored Start-up Kit to help you gather the data and documents we need to prepare an approval-ready application.

3. We will then work closely with you to ‘close the gaps’ and make sure all the key pieces of evidence are ready.

4. Our specialist lodgement staff will carefully collate your material to submit to the Department of Home Affairs. Our attention to detail means a quicker outcome for you.

5. We don’t stop at lodgement. We represent you through the whole process, liaising with the Department of Home Affairs and other bodies on your behalf.

6. It’s time to celebrate. We will let you know the outcome of your application – it’s our favourite part of our job.

7. We will make sure you have everything in place to be 100% compliant. We make sure you don’t get caught out.

This means you always know where you stand, what you have to do next and why.

We will be with you every step of the way.

Start by booking your appointment with us today.