RMA support circle

The RMA Support Circle

Provides you with the opportunity to fill the gaps in your migration knowledge, connect and share with colleagues and learn the tips and tricks that will help you develop your migration career and practice.

Your 6-month RMA Support Circle includes:


Plus! there will be bonus trainings, guest speakers and other material for you to access!

Program Commitments

The RMA Support Circle experience is a journey – allowing you time for the exploration of ideas and the development of knowledge, skills and connection. Your participation and commitment will determine your results.

support 2 commitments

Your Investment

The 6-month RMA Support Circle programme investment is made up of monthly payments of $295+GST.

Register below. Your proposal and invoice will then wing its way to your email.

On payment (using debit or credit card) your seat at the Support Circle table will be secured!

Let’s Start!

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